Friday 22 March 2013


Top 10 Myanmar Travel Destinations

Explore the TOP 10 best tourist destinations, tourist spots, attractions in Myanmar (Burma) for your holiday! Myanmar is one of the mysterious country in South East Asia and because of its cultural and geographical diversity has retained much of its historic and unique character. Discover the great attractions in Myanmar and the country's wonderful uniqueness.


    Yangon, formerly known as Rangoon, was the capital of Myanmar, is known for its colonial architecture, which although decaying, remains an almost unique example of a 19th-century British colonial capital. Friendly street vendors, traditionally dressed local people, attracting old Chevrolet buses and trishaws, all make a feel like a museum of Yangon downtown life.
    Shwedagon, the heart of Yangon, is the most profoundly honoured pagoda in the country and interesting history behind. According to the legend, the Shwedagon Pagoda was constructed during the time of the Buddha which is more than 2,500 years ago and where the holy hair relics of the Buddha were enshrined. Towering to a height of 326 feet (100 meters) above the city, Shwedagon Pagoda is the famous landmark noticeable from miles around. It is one of the wonders of the world and the most revered pagoda in Southeast Asia. 

    The weather of Yangon is monsoonal, with three different seasons: a rainy season from June to October, a cooler and drier "winter" from November to February is obviously less humid and cooler than the remaining months, and a hot dry season from March to May.


    Bagan, in the past which was known as Pagan, is the place where the heart of the country ancient architecture lies. It is located in the upper part of Myanmar and is the capital of Myanmar’s first dynasty.  More than 2,000 temples and stupas are located in the area and can be found along the eastern bank of the Ayeyarwady river spreading in 42 square kilometers of a dessert like plain geographical location.  Pagodas can be found mostly covered in reddish color and religious monuments which were built more than 1,500 years ago and it can be said that Bagan, is the most memorable place for visitors coming to Myanmar.
    There are different methods of transportations are available such as: by car, horse cart or by cycling for those who would like to do sightseeing around Bagan.  What is more, visitors can also enjoy an idyllic sunset boat trip along the Ayeyarwaddy river to enjoy the beautiful sunset while enjoying a cold drink. 
    The most interesting fact about Bagan is where visitors can observe and learn about the changes of traditions and cultures in different dynasties where those had been recorded as picture gallery around almost every Pagodas’ walls with the form of ancient paintings.   This is not the end of what Bagan has to offer to visitors, yet for those who would love to enjoy one of the most beautiful moment in a day; they can also enjoy in a different way by watching dim sunset over the ancient temples, which make everyone to believe that they are sitting back in 1,500 years ago.
    Moreover, for those who love the fine arts of the local architecture, they can bring back along to home in different forms such as lacquer-ware, bamboo arts and local tradition clothing.  Local people have been maintaining the unique architecture for centuries and those mementos will always reminds the visitors of how beautiful Bagan is and its unique architecture regardless of where they are.


     Mandalay is located between one of the most historical Ayeyarwaddy river and the Shan state. In other words, the location itself is the central of Myanmar geographically which leads the city to become the economic hub of Upper Burma and considered the center of Myanmar culture.  The unique culture of Mandalay city is the transportation method of how people travel.  In other words, among the local people, Mandalay is known is the cycling city where majority of the Mandalay citizens prefer to travel on bikes rather than relying on other transports.
     As it can be said that, Mandalay is nearer to Bagan and also the central of the country itself, as a result, various traditions and cultures can be found in the city itself which is why, every visitors should always go to Mandalay when they are in Myanmar not just only for sightseeing purpose but visitors can also see and observe different cultures and traditions of Myanmar in one place. 
    Mandalay was acted as the capital of the country for several decades in the long standing history as approximately 150 years old palace can be found in the city central area.  Even though the palace itself is 150 years old, due to the good maintenance, it is still in a good shape without losing every single bit of the ancient architecture.  As the majority of Myanmar people are Buddhism Mahamuni Buddha image which is also one of many sacred places with an interesting long standing history.  Everyday pilgrims and monks can contribute in helping clean the Buddha image itself at 4:00 in the morning which is known as “Face washing ceremony”.
    Last but not least, as a country with a long standing history, there are a few other ancient palace existed in the country and those can be reached easily via Mandalay with various type of transportations such as by boat or by car within an hour.  As a result, going to Mandalay will not only have a chance to see one palace but will have plenty of chances to explore other palaces as well. Another tourist attractions city with pleasant weather and environment known as “Pyin Oo Lwin” is just the uphill of Mandalay and can be reached within a 2-hour drive.  Mandalay is just one city but it is the only place where almost half of the country cultures and traditions can be found as well as other good resorts and sightseeing activities.


     Inle, located in the Shan Hills in Myanmar is a freshwater lake with numerous villages against the foggy mountain ranges.  The weather of Inle Lake differs from other places in the country as the air is a bit cooler and drier.  The unique culture which visitors can find in Inle Lake is, fishermen have tendency to row boats using their legs and it is also a part of the Inle tradition itself. 
     Other significant scenery that one can expect to see in the Inle Lake such as: floating tomatoes fields around the lake, gardens of flowers properly anchored to the lake bed with bamboo poles.  The friendliness of the local people and their unique daily life activities spice things up a little bit better for visitors that they can enjoy a pleasant trip alongside the lake yet enjoy the sincere of the local community. 
    The best time of the year to visit is during September and October. The ceremonial Hpaung Daw U Festival, which lasts for almost three weeks, is closely followed by the Thadingyut festival of lights. Moreover, the market day of the villages located near Inle Lake offers extremely colorful with freshly grow hill foods and other local products which is another major attractions for all visitors to have a look at.


     Kyaing Tong, is a town in eastern Shan State, Myanmar and it is also the principle town of Kengtung Township.  The weather in this area is particular cooler than compare to the tropical area of Myanmar which is a suitable place for those visitors who would like to enjoy plenty memorable sceneries in the chilling weather.  Kyaing Tong is geographically located in an easily accessible location to the golden triangle area.
     There are plenty of shifting fields and most local community maintains their unique culture where visitors can see traditionally built huts on the mountain slopes.  As it is interconnected to the golden triangle, and where diverse ethnics group inhabitant, therefore; visitors can expect to see other cultures and traditions but not just only the traditions of Kyaing Tong itself are the main attraction of Kyaing Tong has to offer.
     Kyaing Tong has plenty of hiking, mountain climbing trips in a trekking pilgrimage to nearby mountains to visit the villages of different Shan ethnic tribes, enjoy the breath-taking sceneries along the way while admiring the pagodas along the way.

GOLDEN ROCK (Kyaikhtiyo Pagoda)

     Golden Rock, in Myanmar language known as KyiteHteeYoe Pagoda is one of the breath-taking and also a sacred place for Myanmar people.  It is located in Mon State and perched on the highest mountain of Paunglaung mountain range.  To travel to KyiteHteeYoe pagoda, it will take a 4-hour drive from Yangon, where it will proceed in an open truck uphill to hermit hill.  The rock and the pagoda are at the top of Mt. Kyaiktiyo. It is the third most important Buddhist pilgrimage site in Burma after the Shwedagon Pagoda and the Mahamuni Pagoda. A glimpse of the "gravity defying" Golden Rock is believed to be enough of an inspiration for any person to turn to Buddhism.
     It is the best place for those who would like to have a legendary pilgrimage because the Golden Rock itself is placed on top of the mountain and visitors can choose whether to take a bus to go to the top of the mountain or trekking up to the mountain which will take around 5 hours while being able to enjoy various legendary milestones along the way making to the top of the mountain.
     At the peak of the pilgrimage season, normally November to March, a lot of local people visit to KyiteHteeYoe pagoda to offer flowers the pagoda and appreciate in the Buddhism.  As the golden rock gleams in different shades from dawn to dusk (the sight at dawn and at sunset are unique), pilgrims’ chants reverberate in the precincts of the shrine.  Due to the culture and belief in the Buddhism, most Buddhists offers lighting candles and some meditate and the offerings to the Buddha continues throughout the night.  Men cross over a bridge across an abyss to affix golden leaves (square in shape) on the face of the Golden Rock, in deep veneration. However, women are not allowed to touch the rock.  The Full Moon day of Tabaung in March, is a special occasion for pilgrims who visit the shrine. On this day, the platform of the pagoda is lighted with ninety thousand candles as reverential offering to the Lord Buddha. The devotees visiting the pagoda also offer fruits, food and incense to the Buddha.